Once upon a time there was a region called Duchy Paranggaruda. The regent had a son named Raden Josari or more popular as Menak Josari. He was ugly and physically
disabled. Menak Josari fell in love with Dewi Ruyung Wulan, a daughter of Puspo Handung Joyo from Duchy Carangsoko.
“Dad, I wanna marry Ruyungwulan….owh, she is the most
beautiful girl in this world, don’t you think so daddy?”
“ Of course my dear…. Tomorrow we will propose that
beautiful angel.”
Dewi Ruyung Wulan didn’t like Menak Josari, so she asked him
a condition to find a set of Gamelan that can play by themselves without anyone
playing them. Menak Josari was so upset with this request. He wasn’t used to Then
his father asked Patih singopati and Yuyu Rumpung to find that kind of Gamelan.
“ Both of you must find the Gamelan. I don’t want to
make my son disappointed. Never come back before you find them!” Yudhopati
Fortunately, after several months Patih Singopati
found Ki Dalang Soponyono who can provide this kind of Gamelan. Even Ki
Soponyono also agreed to perform puppet performance on the wedding day.
When marriage feast was about to be held,
Dewi Ruyung Wulan
was grieving. So she asked Ki Soponyono to
perform her story,
Although Ki Dalang
Soponyono felt so confused that Dewi Ruyung Wulan asked him personally to perform sad story
which is unusual for a wedding party, he…. accompanied by his two beautiful
sisters, Ambarsari and Ambarwati, tried hard to do his job well.
“ ooooooo…it was told that
once upon a time there was a pretty lady who was so sad….. she can’t help to
marry someone she never love….ooooooo.” (said like the Dalang in Puppet
On the other hand, Menak Jaseri felt so happy be sitting with Dewi Ruyung Wulan. “ You are so beautiful… like
an angel my darling.”
“You are beautiful, beautiful,
beautiful, ….
You’re really pretty my angel.” His naughty hands tried to pinch
her cheeks, thus making her feeling
uncomfortable. In the middle of puppet performance suddenly Dewi
Ruyung Wulan ran from her chair and threw herself into Soponyono’s lap.
“ I’m so lonely
broken angels… I’m so lonely listen to my heart…what a lonely broken angels…
come and save me before I fall apart…..” ( Broken Angel by Arash feat Helena) Dewi
Ruyung Wulan sang a sad song.
She had been drifted by the story and fallen in love with Dalang
Soponyono whose face is more handsome than Menak Jaseri.
“Please take me away Kakang Soponyono, I’d rather die than marry Menak
Everyone was shocked and so were their parents. Ki Dalang Soponyono was
also surprised and afraid………then he used his magical power to blow the lamps in
Carangsoko Duchy.
In the darkness, Dalang Soponyono with his two sisters ran away taking Dewi Ruyung Wulan. The Carangsoko Regent, Puspo
Handung Joyo was so angry. He ordered his vice regent, Singopadu to deal with
the problem.
After the lamps turned on, Prince Josari was so upset knowing that his
bride ran away with Soponyono.
“What can I do? Will I be
getting through… now, that I must try … to leave it all behind…. Did you see?
What you have done to me? So hard… to justify…. Slowly it’s passing by….
Forever and one I will miss you …. Tomorrow I will kiss you, yet again way down
in Never land. So hard I was trying, tomorrow I’ll still be crying….how could
you hide… your lie… your lie….. your lie……” ( Forever and One by Hellloween) Prince Josari
sang sadly.
Owh…. I’m not going to lose
her… I’ll never ever lose her! Now asked the troops to find her! No one will
ever have her! Youuuuuu youuuuu youuuu
must find her! (from
the Backyardigans)
Then, Singopadu prepared his soldiers assisted by Paranggarudo soldiers
to search after Dewi Ruyung Wulan. However in searching for Dewi Ruyung Wulan,
Paranggarudo soldiers broke into people’s house and drove them in shocked and
terror. This attitude had made Handung
Joyo feel so
angry with Yudhopati, Paranggarudo Regent.
Meanwhile Ki Soponyono and Dewi Ruyung Wulan, accompanied by his two sisters ran away toward the
forest, they walked along the river. Dewi Ruyung Wulan with her party had changed their clothes into peasant clothes to
disguise their appearance.
They reached Bantengan village in Trangkil in the region of Panewon Majasemi. These four people were so
tired and thirsty but they couldn’t find any water. It was in the dry season
that the river was dry and they couldn’t go to the people’s house for the sake
of their own safety.
Fortunately they found a plantation of cucumber and watermelon. They
couldn’t help stealing these fruits. Not knowing that Panewu Sukmoyono’s brother named Raden Kembangjoyo and his people were spying them. Ki
Soponyono could
beat all the men except for Kembang
Joyo. R. Kembangjoyo defeated Ki Soponyono and took all of them before his brother, Penewu Sukmoyono.
Fortunately, having introduced the three girls and told their story
completely, Soponyono and the party was accepted to
stay in the house. Even Penewu
willingly accommodated and protected them.
Feeling so grateful for their help, Dalang Soponyono presented his sisters to Penewu. As for Dewi Ruyung Wulan, she would be returned to her father, Puspo Handung Joyo, the regent of Carangsoko.
Meanwhile, there was a thief in Majasemi. Yuyu Rumpung from Kemaguhan {which
belonged to Paranggarudo Regency) who had known that keris Rambut Pinutung with Kuluk Kanigoro were great heirlooms belonging
to Sukmoyono ------ ordered his man, named Sondong Majeruk
to take both heirlooms.
Unfortunately, these two heirlooms could be saved by Sondong Makerti. Even Sondong Majeruk was killed by Sondong Makerti. Yuyu
Rumpung was so angry and ordered his men to join Paranggarudo soldiers and attack Majasemi.
There was
a very fierce battle. Many were killed in the battle, even Ki
Penewu Sukmoyono was killed in the fighting. Knowing that Penewu had been killed, Raden Kembangjoyo, holding keris Rambut Pinutung with Kuluk Kanigoro
rampaged Paranggarudo. This time, troops of Carangsokowere helping Kembangjoyo. Patih Singopati and Patih
Singopadu were also killed on the battlefield
Although fighting in
Majasemi ended with
a lot of victims, Kembangjoyo
could beat Paranggarudo. Then Ki
Saponyono escorted Dewi Ruyung Wulan together with Raden Kembangjoyo to Carangsoko. Finally, Dewi
Ruyung Wulan was
married to Raden Kembang Joyo.
love me do.
You know I love you,
I'll always be true,
So please, love me do.
Whoa, love me do.
Love, love me do.
You know I love you,
I'll always be true,
So please, love me do.
Whoa, love me do. (Love Me Do by The Beatles)
Kembangjoyo stayed in Carangsoko and became the regent of Pati
Peleburan, which was the unification of Paranggarudo, Carangsoko dan Majasemi.
It was told that Kembangjoyo together with Dalang Soponyono had opened
Kemiri forest to make a new capital city of Pati Pesantenan regency. The name
Pati Pesantenan was inspired by an event happened during the forest clearance.
Here is the story…
At that time, there was a man passing by near the forest. He was taking
a barrel made of clay.
“Stop!’ said Kembangjoyo, “Please tell me who you are and what you are
carrying in the barrel?”
“I’m Ki Sagola, and I’m carrying Dawet in this barrel. I am used to passing this forest.”
“Dawet? What is that? I’ve never
heard about such thing.” Then Ki
Sagola explained
about Dawet.
Close your eyes and I'll make you,
a glass of my Dawet;
Remember I'll always be true.
And after you drink it,
you will know what the taste,
And you’ll ask me for more and for more.
All my dawet made of coco milk
All my dawet made of rice Starch (sang as All My loving by The Beatles)
Raden Kembang Joyo was so impressed with the drink because it was so
delicious. Being told that Dawet was made of starch (or Pati in Javanese) and coconut milk (Santen in Javanese), then Raden Kembang Joyo named the regency into Pati
The end
The moral messages from this story are;
1. If
you can’t marry for love, you must
marry for goodness
2. In
the end the truth will prevail
3. Inspiration comes from anything,,,anywhere
Source : Sejarah Hari Jadi Kab. Pati, 1994