
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Another Project for Cigarettes Company

The problems of environment in Indonesia are so complicated. Beside the fact that we couldn't ban the smoking in public places which is breaking the human right of non smokers to breath and enjoy the fresh air, the problems of littering culture is even more critical to be solved.

Yesterday, I saw some women taking the same bus with me. They are the employees of a well known cigarettes company. Some of them held transparent plastic bags with ice water inside. I know ice water is a refreshing drink in this hot day. I am sure most of the employees like to drink ice water during this hot day in September. There's nothing special or strange about the employees drinking ice water, I know you will say that, but the fact that the bus stopped for several minutes and my eyes looked outside the bus had struck my mind. Down there on the dry ground I saw lots lots of plastic bags spread out covering the ground.  I took a picture of it just when the bus was about to depart. 

I examined the photo that I took and realized that the plastic bags are the same kind and size and there is a straw in each bag. So, those plastics bags are.....the trash thrown away by these employees day by day, week by week....and so on. While I was busy thinking about those plastics, my eyes glanced at a yellow straw shyly emerged from a plastic holding by a woman. Oh my gosh...and then I saw one more blue straw held by another woman.

                       As, I was looking at those straws, suddenly another woman threw something outside.... I hurried to see what is that and as I had estimated before, it was a plastic bag with a straw inside. I was so angry and wanted to tell them about their shameful behavior, but I was too afraid that they will be angry with me. At this point, I can only say silently, then I was starting to think of what should be done to solve this problem.

I remember some years ago I heard that one of the biggest cigarettes company in Kudus, Central Java planted one billion trees in order to support Green Environment project held by the government. That is so wonderful thing to do by a company that produce things which is not environment friendly. By doing this project perhaps the company had tried to diminish their feeling of guilty for making so much smoke with their cigarettes. And the fact that the littering habit that I had just seen was done by the employees of the same cigarettes company that I am talking about seems so ironic. I am compelled to ask whether they see or not the rubbish spreading around their company. And the answer must be Yes...they have seen it. Because, the spot I am talking about is at the side of the main street. So, why don't they do something about it?? I strongly believe that the company hasn't taken care of this problem. To my mind, the company has a very strategic and important role to change this condition. it is very urgent to make their employee aware of this rubbish problem. As the employer they have powerful strength to force their employee to understand and follow the company's rule.
What I am trying to say is that it will be very helpful if the company put the littering issue in in the company's rules for their employees.

Locok Wuni, sensasi rasa yang tak terlupakan

(picture taken from
Buah Wuni, atau Buni mungkin termasuk buah yang tidak terkenal. Selain rasanya yang kurang elit (baca:manis) wuni juga jarang ditemukan di halaman rumah. Pohon langka ini biasanya tumbuh di   pematang sawah atau kebun. 
Dilansir dari situs, wuni ( Antidesma bunius L Spreng ) atau sering juga disebut buni merupakan tanaman yang tingginya bisa mencapai 15 hingga 30 meter. Selain di Indonesia, wuni juga banyak ditemui di kawasan Asia Tenggara juga Australia.
Buah wuni yang sudah masak juga sering dimanfaatkan untuk dibuat sirup, selai, dan dibuat ekstrak. Buah wuni sendiri berukuran kecil dengan panjang sekitar satu sentimeter. Warnanya hijau dan berbentuk elips. Warna ini akan berubah menjadi ungu kehitaman ketika sudah masak atau matang. Buah wuni yang masih muda rasanya sangat asam, biasanya dibuat locok saat sudah berwarna ungu kehitaman sehingga rasanya aasem manis seger. Sedangkan daunnya bisa dibuat sayur atau dimakan mentah sebagai lalapan. 

Adapun cara membuat locok wuni adalah sebagai berikut:
Bahan yang dibutuhkan: 
dan buah wuni yang sudah masak.
Siapkan satu ruas bambu ukuran sedang, pastikan salah satu ujungnya tidak berlubang dan sebagai penumbuknya, siapkan potongan bambu ukuran lebar 2 cm dan panjang lebih dari ruas bambu yang pertama. rapikan bambu beserta penumbuknya. jika bambu sudah siap dan dibersihkan, 
masukkan segenggam wuni, tambahkan bahan2nya lalu tumbuk dengan bambu. Locok wuni yang lezat versi anak kampung jaman dulu pun siap dinikmati.

Selain sebagai makanan konsumsi, buah ini juga bisa dijadikan sebagai obat, seperti yang dilansir dari situs Berikut ini adalah manfaaat buah wuni untuk pengobatan, yaitu:
1. Mengobati darah tinggi
2. Mengatasi jantung berdebar
3. Mengobati kurang darah
4. Serta sebagai obat untuk penyakit sifilis

Sayangnya, buah unik yang kaya manfaat ini sekarang cukup sulit ditemukan. Jadi kalo anda kebetulan punya pohon wuni, mari kita lestarikan dan budidayakan agar tidak punah.

Project of Expressing Opinion

Project 2: in this project students will present a role play and record or video it. The project will be done by group of three students. The record or video must be submitted within two weeks.

Good morning ma’am, Our group will present a role play entitled “Not smoking is Human right”
And here are the characters: Rona will be Sri, Angga will be Budi and Bondan will be Agus and the narator.

One morning, at school.
Sri looks so irritated. She is sniffing her cloth and hijab and talking to herself.

Sri: Uh…So smelly. It’s the smell of cigarettes that I don’t smoke.

Budi: Hi Sri…You look upset, what happen?

Sri: I really hate the smokers. They are so annoying. My dress and hijab are smelly. And they didn’t even say sorry.

Budi: Oh, poor you. Why don’t you stay away from the smokers?

Sri:  Don’t you know, I take public transportation. How can I stay away from them? They sit everywhere, in the back, near the driver and even the driver’s assistant is smoking too. I really hope the government will forbid smoking in public places.

Agus: No! I don’t agree with that idea. Smoking is the human’s right. Moreover, smokers help many people to get a job. My mom is working in the cigarettes company.

Sri: I understand that smoking is human’s right, but not smoking is also human right. So, it’s breaking human’s right when you are smoking in public places.

Agus: Well , I agree with you. Honestly, I never thought of that. But I think the government won’t take the risk of prohibiting smoking in public places. If you don’t like the smoke, you can cover your mouth and nose using a piece of cloth or masker.  That’s so simple!

Budi: The problem is, many people especially the poor won’t do such unimportant thing. It is the duty of the government to protect their people, including protecting us from smoke. We know that smoking leads to many dangerous diseases.

Agus: You said about prohibiting smoking and diseases but I saw that your father is a smoker too. What will you say?

Budi: It’s true…..even my dad used to smoke near my little sister, and then I convinced him not to smoke near the baby or children. It’s not easy, but my dad understands now. And I’m trying to make him quit smoking.

Agus: Nobody in my family is smoking, but we live from cigarettes industries. So, it is a complicated thing.

Budi:  Well,  I hope we can find solution for this problem., so that we won’t depend on the cigarettes industries.
Sri:  I really hope so…

The next morning, Sri is sitting under the mango tree. She is singing a song while listening to the same song from her headset.

Budi: Good morning!
Sri: Oh, my gosh! you startled me.

Budi: You look so happy Sri…. Didn’t you meet smokers in the bus?

Sri: Oh, come on….of course I met them, not only one but I made them sit at the same corner to share their smoke. (laughing)

Budi: Wow, you asked them to sit close to each other. Is that what you said?

Sri: Yup, I ask them to sit at the back. At first, one of the young men looked angry but thanks God the bus assistant helped me. So, I was free from smokers and their smoke.

Budi: Good Job! You are a smart and brave girl, Sri.  And look! I design a sticker especially for you.

Sri: Oh, My God!! It’s fantastic! Your idea is so original and your painting is awesome! I love it.  Thank you my friend.