
Friday, April 12, 2013

Ande Ande Lumut

1.       Ande-Ande Lumut: a handsome young prince, strong and wise
2.       Mbok Rondo Dadapan: a patient loving mother towards her son
3.       Mbok Rndo: very kind and  loving mother towards her own daughters, but very mean to Klething kuning
4.       Klething Kuning: a humble, gentle and kind girl
5.       Yuyu Kangkang : a flaterer (crab) which is rude but  easy to be fooled.
6.       Klething Abang : A beautiful but lazy girl, one of Mbok Rondo Dadapan’s daughter

Once upon a time, in a village lived a widow with her 4 daughters.  The people in the village called her “Mbok Rondo.” Her four daughters are Klething Abang, Klething Ijo, Klething biru and Klething ungu. The four girls are lazy and like spending money. One day Mbok Rondo had a guest.
Girl (klething Kuning)            :  Excuse me....Excuse me......Excuse me.....!
Mbok Rondo                              : Yes....Come in....Who...who are you?? (Mbok Rondo wondered...while looking at the girl down from the toe till her head. Grinning  and holding her nose avoiding the bad smell) Oh my god, smell like the gutter water...(appointing to the girl)
Girl (klething kuning)            : Why mom?? I doing something wrong? This is the only cloth I have, mom.
Mbok Rondo                              : What’s your name?...where are you from?...and why do you come to my house?...
Girl (klething kuning)            : I don’t know my name, mom...i don’t know where i come from... I come here to ask your kindness...would you please let me stay here mom?...I beg you...
Mbok Rondo                              : Alright... I allow you to stay in my house. I adopt you to be my daughter. Since you don’t have a name, i will name you Klething Kuning. You must cook, clean the house and serve my daughters, Klething Abang,  Klething Ijo, Klething biru and Klething ungu. Now, go and clean yourself!
The next Morning in Mbok Rondo’s home
Klething kuning has been a part of Mbok Rondo’s family. But she has to do all the housework alone. Klething Kuning was sweeping.
Klething Kuning                       : Dear Panji Semirang.... where are you....I’m wandering and suffering just to find you. I’m in vain...I’m insulted everyday by Klething Abang,  Klething Ijo, Klething biru and Klething ungu. May God show me the way to meet you dear....
Mbok Rondo                              : ( approached Klething Kuning) Klething Kuning do you know where Kleting abang is? ...Klething Abang, Biru, Ijo, Ungu....come here girls!
Klething Kuning                       : Klething Abang, Biru, Ijo, and Ungu are still sleeping, Mom...What’s up? It seems that there is something urgent...(she stopped sweeping)
Mbok Rondo                              : In Dadapan village, there is a contest. I wanna ask my daughters to join the contest. Mbok Rondo Dadapan has a dashing and handsome son. His name is ...ehm...Lumuten....uh..(while thinking) What is it? oh...oh....I remember now, Ande- Ande Lumut! Well, Ande-Ande Lumut is looking for a wife. Wow....he must fall in love with one of my daughters...I can’t imagine it....
Klething Kuning                       : Mom...may Klething Kuning joins the contest? Please...let me join it. I beg you.
Mbok Rondo                              : You want to join the contest...? (starring at her in astonishment) Look at yourself Klething can’t join it, you are smelly,.... (Hearing the conversation, Klething Abang comes out)
Klething Abang                         :  What?...You want to join the contest, Klething Kuning...? and would you allow her to follow the contest mom??....she’s so smelly and ugly...
Mbok Rondo                              : Klething Kuning, you can’t join this won’t be accepted. You are ugly, smelly and ....dirty. Well, Klething Abang....take your sisters Biru, Ijo and Ungu to the contest.
Klething Abang                         : Okay mom...Sipp...ready...(Klething Abang left them)

At the edge of the river
Klething Abang, Biru, Ijo, and Ungu went away to follow the contest in Dadapan Village. They have to cross the river where Yuyu Kangkang lived.
Klething Abang                         : How can I cross this river.....(thinking and hesitating)
Yuyu Kangkang                         : What’s wrong pretty look confused. Do you want to cross the river?
Klething Abang                         : That’s right, my sisters and I want to go to Dadapan Village.
Yuyu Kangkang                         : O...o...oo....don’t worry preety. I’m ready to help you.... but with an absolut you agree sweetheart?
Klething Abang                         : No problem....Idon’t mind with your requirement. Hurry up....take me across this river now.
Yuyu Kangkang                         :  Certainly...preety. (Yuyu Kangkang took Klething Abang and her sisters across the river with a reward)
After arriving on the other side of the river, Yuyu Kangkang went back to the edge of the river, waiting for another help seeker.  Then, Klething Kuning was appeared.
Yuyu Kangkang                         : Who are you? Why do you come here? What do you want?
Klething Kuning                       : I’m Klething Kuning, I wanna go to Dadapan village. Please help me to cross this river, Yuyu Kangkang...will you? Please...
Yuyu Kangkang                         : What..?? No!! I won’t help you to cross this river. You smell bad and ugly...unlike those preety girls I’ve taken across. (he went away)
Klething Kuning                       : (thinking....) ah, I know. I have a Sada heirloom. (Klething Kuning whipped her Sada to the water three times. Then the water was gone...) Now, the river is dry out. I can cross the river...yay!! (Klething Kuning crossed the river)

In Dadapan Village
Ande2 lumut was sitting with the legs crossed, meanwhile Mbok Rondo Dadapan (his mother)was beside him. They are waiting for the girls who want to propose him.
Klething Abang                         : Excuse me mbok.....I’m Klething Abang. Wanna propose for Ande-Ande Lumut...
Mbok Rondo Dadapan           : Come in please....come here. (Mbok Rondo was singing: My dear Ande-Ande must go down coz there’s a girl’s proposing you...this lady is really beautiful...Klething Abang that  is her wonderful name.
Ande-Ande Lumut                  : (singing) Oh mother....I don’t wanna go down....dear mother....I’m not going downstairs..... she’s very cute but  belongs to Yuyu Kangkang.
(klething abang, ijo, biru and ungu weren’t accepted by Ande Ande Lumut)
Klething Kuning                       : Excuse me Mbok...I’m Klething Kuning. Wanna propose for AndeAnde Lumut...
Mbok Rondo Dadapan           : Yes, come in please....(singing) My dear Ande-Ande must go down coz there’s a girl’s proposing you...this lady is ugly and smelly...Klething Kuning that  is her wonderful  name.
AndeAnde Lumut                    : (singing) Oh mother....I wanna go downstairs....dear mother....  I love this smelly girl...has ugly face but she’s so kind and civilized.
Finally AndeAnde Lumut or Panji Semirang chose Klething Kuning as his wife. And it was revealed then, that Klething Kuning was actually a missing princess from Daha Kingdom that he had been looking for. They live happily ever after....
The end.
The moral message: We can not judge people only from their physical appearance. Our behavior and attitude are more important than the beautul face.

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