
Monday, March 11, 2013

Passive Voice

Sriuning was very surprised when she heard her name was called by Mr.Bejo on the microphone. She was asked to go to the teacher’s room immediately. Everyone in the cafeteria looked at her curiously. She was laughed by all her friends. Her cheeks blushed. She was afraid that Mr. Bejo has known that she copied Jajang’s homework this morning. After the second call, she stood up and went to the teacher’s room. She was welcomed by Mr. Bejo in front of the teacher’s room. He held twenty thousand rupiahs on his right hand. “Please buy meatball and melon juice for me,” The money was given by Mr. Bejo to her.
“What?? Is that true that I was called on the microphone just to buy your lunch?”
“Ha ha ha ha …..I’m sorry. I’m so hungry but I’m busy right now. That’s why I need your help. Hurry up.. “
“But, Sir…everyone laughed at me and thought that I’ve made a mistake.”
“Well, I’m very sorry then. But I really don’t mean it. Well….you may keep the change but please send me the lunch soon.”

Answer these following questions based on the text above.
1)             Why was Sriuning surprised?
2)             Who was called and asked to go to the teacher’s room?
3)             Has Mr. Bejo known that Sriuning copied Jajang’s homework?
4)             Was she welcomed by the headmaster in front of the teacher’s room?
5)             What did Mr. Bejo want for his lunch?

The Passive

To cook
To be cooked
  Present Simple :
I cook food in the kitchen.

S+Verb1+ Object/adv
Food is cooked in the kitchen.

Obj + is/am/are+Verb3+ (by subject)+ adverb
Continuous :
I am cooking food in the kitchen.

S+ is/am/are + verb-ing + Object/adv
Food is being cooked in the kitchen.

Object + is/am/are +being+verb3+(by subj)
  Present Perfect :
I have cooked food in the kitchen.

S+have/has +Verb 3+ Obj/adv
Food has been cooked in the kitchen.

Obj+ have/has+been+verb3+(by subject)
  Past Simple :
I cooked food in the kitchen yesterday.

Food was cooked in the kitchen yesterday.

Object+was/were+verb3+(by subject) + adverb
Past Continuous :
I was cooking food in the kitchen.

Food was being cooked in the kitchen.

Objec+was/were+being+Verb3+(by subj)+ adv
Past Perfect :
I had cooked food in the kitchen.

Food had been cooked in the kitchen.

Object+Had+been+Verb3+(by subject) + adv
Future Simple :
I will cook food in the kitchen.

Food will be cooked in the kitchen.

Object+will be+ Verb3+(by subject) +Adv
Future Perfect :
I will have cooked food in the kitchen.

Food will have been cooked in the kitchen.

Obj+will+have been+Verb3+(by subject) + adv

Change the form of the following sentences from active to passive : Make sure you underlined the active and passive verb.
 Example : People buy food at the market →Food is bought at the market.
     He has fed the animals. → The animals h
ave been fed.
1.  Active :       They take the child to school by car.
      Passive :     The child_______ to school by car.
2.  Active :        I saw two armed men in front of the jewellery shop.
      Passive :     Two armed men ______ in front of the jewellery shop
3.  Active :        Emma had done the housework before the guests arrived.
      Passive :     The housework __________________________________
4.  Active :        The reporter is announcing the results on the radio right now.
      Passive :      The results ______________________________________
5.  Active :The ambulance will take the patient to the nearest hospital.
     Passive :    The patient _________________________________________
6.  Active :       The doctor was treating the patient when the ambulance arrived.
      Passive :     ___________________________________________________
7.  Active :        The teacher had announced the results to the students.
      Passive :      ___________________________________________________
8.  Active :        Tom will have calculated the cost before the end of the day.
      Passive :     ____________________________________________________