
Monday, March 18, 2013

Error Recognition

Error Recognition
Identify one of the four underlined words or phrases ( A,B,C,D) that should be corrected or rewritten.
  1. Whose are these toys? It is Tommy’s.                                                                                                                           A    B               C      D
  1. Whose passport is this? They are hers.                                                                                             A                       B            C           D
  1. Is this Emma’s bag? No, it belong to Shinta.                                                                                        A              B                             C           D
  1. Are these your clothes? Yes, they are my.                                                                                              A                     B                    C        D
  1. This cat belong to my uncle. No, it isn’t his.                                                                                                  A       B                                     C       D
  1. The photos belong to Susan and Andi. They are his.                                                                                   A            B                                           C        D
  1. The car belongs to us. This is their car.                                                                                                        A            B     C        D
  1. Where is my cap? Your is on the table.                                                                                                 A     B    C          D
  1. Those books belong to the students. They are their.                                                                                  A             B                                     C        D
  1. Is this theirs house? No, it is mine. Their house is over there.                                                                        A          B                                C            D
  1. Where is Mr. John going tomorrow? He is visits his grandson in Surabaya.                                                  A                  B                          C      D
  1. Are you cooking right now? No, I playing badminton with my brother.
A            B                                        C                            D
  1.  Are your husband working at the moment? Yes, he is catching fish.
    A                            B                                           C        D
  1. How many sugar do you have? I have two kilograms.
       A                     B                      C                D
  1. How old is your grandmother? He is ninety years old.                                                                           A       B                                 C   D
  1. I don’t have some money. Don’t worry I’ll lend you some.                                                                        A              B                                    C                   D
  1. How much money does he need? He need fifty million rupiahs.                                                                      A                           B            C              D
  1. Where did your sister go yesterday? She go to the dentist.                                                                               A                      B                   C     D
  1. How often do you wash your car? I always washed my car twice a week.                                                    A                        B                           C                    D
  1.  What does your wife do? He is a traditional dancer.                                                                                                 A        B                  C                            D