
Monday, March 11, 2013

Used to – Be used to

Used to

Used to = habit in the past time=dulu(biasa)

--> selalu dalam bentuk past tense

  • Study this situation:
  • When she was a child. She liked candies. She used to eat candies everyday. Now, she is twenty years old. She doesn’t like candy anymore. She never eats any candies.
(+) Subject+ used to + infinitive + Object +   adverb
    He used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
(-)   Subject+ didn’t use to+ infinitive + adverb
    He didn’t use to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
(?)  Did+ Subject +Use to+ Infinitive+ Object+ Adv
  Did he use to smoke 40 cigarettes a day?

Used to + Infinitive (Verb 1 is always past. (selalu dalam bentuk past) There is no present.
 Past:  He used to smoke.      
          We used to live
 Present:  He smokes.            
               We live

Be used to

Be used to = be accustomed to = get used to = become used to( menjadi/sudah terbiasa)
--> bisa dalam semua tenses, past, present maupun future
Study this example situation
Jimmy lives alone. He doesn’t mind this because he has lived alone for 15 years. So he is used to it. He is used to living alone. 
 My new shoes felt a bit strange at first because I wasn’t used to them.

Subject +to be + used to +Verb–ing/ obj
He is used to living alone.(verb-ing)
He is used  to hot weather.(noun/object)
(-) Subj +To be +not +used to +Verb-ing/ obj
He isn’t used to living alone
He isn’t used to hot weather.

(?) To be +subject +used to +verb-ing/object
Is he used to living alone?
Is he used to hot weather?

n  Note: get used to = become used to/ menjadi terbiasa.
n  Soon, you’ll get used to living in the countryside.

Choose the correct answer!
1.     Mikael  ____ junk food when he worked in the restaurant.
a.     Used to eating              c. Used to eat
b.      Is used to eat               d. get used to eating
2.     Eliza never buys novels. She ______ novels from the school library.
a.     used to borrow             c. used to borrowing
b.     gets used to borrowing   d. is used to borrow
3.     It took Pasha a long time to get used to _____ (wear) glasses.
a.     Wear                    c.  wore
b.     Worn                    d. wearing
4.     Maryam will have to  ____ eating less if he wants to lose weight.
a.     gets used to            c. get used to
b.     used to                    d. use to
5.     The monkey used to___ the coconut tree.
a.     Climbing               c. climbs
b.     Climb                    d. climbed

6.     They are the boss. They are not used to____ told what to do.
a.     Be                c. being
b.     Been            d. get
7.     My sons didn’t _______ up late.
a.     use to waking     c. use to woke
b.     use to wake         d. used to wake
8.     I had to get used to_____ overtime.
a.     Work           c. worked
b.     be working   d. working
9.     His office is ______ at four o’clock.
a.     used to closing      c. used to close
b.     used closed            d. get used to closed
10. When Ryan was single, he used to ____ TV at night.
a.     Watching           c. watched
b.     be watch             d. watch

Fill in the blank with used to or be used to  
1.       Ruth moved to Kopeng. It was too cold for him. She ____ cold weather.
2.       The kids______ water flowers in the garden.
3.       The nurses must ______ taking care of sick people.
4.       We ___ shopping in the traditional market before we moved to Jakarta.
5.       His parents____ work hard at night, but now they don’t anymore.
6.        My daughter ___ have straight hair.
7.       My cousin ____gardening when he was jobless.
8.       The teacher ______ explain the lesson using microphone.
9.       Farah and Sinta _____ sewing their own clothes when they worked as  shopkeeper
10.    I ______ eat sweet and spicy food, but now I prefer fruits and healthy food.