
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Project of Expressing Opinion

Project 2: in this project students will present a role play and record or video it. The project will be done by group of three students. The record or video must be submitted within two weeks.

Good morning ma’am, Our group will present a role play entitled “Not smoking is Human right”
And here are the characters: Rona will be Sri, Angga will be Budi and Bondan will be Agus and the narator.

One morning, at school.
Sri looks so irritated. She is sniffing her cloth and hijab and talking to herself.

Sri: Uh…So smelly. It’s the smell of cigarettes that I don’t smoke.

Budi: Hi Sri…You look upset, what happen?

Sri: I really hate the smokers. They are so annoying. My dress and hijab are smelly. And they didn’t even say sorry.

Budi: Oh, poor you. Why don’t you stay away from the smokers?

Sri:  Don’t you know, I take public transportation. How can I stay away from them? They sit everywhere, in the back, near the driver and even the driver’s assistant is smoking too. I really hope the government will forbid smoking in public places.

Agus: No! I don’t agree with that idea. Smoking is the human’s right. Moreover, smokers help many people to get a job. My mom is working in the cigarettes company.

Sri: I understand that smoking is human’s right, but not smoking is also human right. So, it’s breaking human’s right when you are smoking in public places.

Agus: Well , I agree with you. Honestly, I never thought of that. But I think the government won’t take the risk of prohibiting smoking in public places. If you don’t like the smoke, you can cover your mouth and nose using a piece of cloth or masker.  That’s so simple!

Budi: The problem is, many people especially the poor won’t do such unimportant thing. It is the duty of the government to protect their people, including protecting us from smoke. We know that smoking leads to many dangerous diseases.

Agus: You said about prohibiting smoking and diseases but I saw that your father is a smoker too. What will you say?

Budi: It’s true…..even my dad used to smoke near my little sister, and then I convinced him not to smoke near the baby or children. It’s not easy, but my dad understands now. And I’m trying to make him quit smoking.

Agus: Nobody in my family is smoking, but we live from cigarettes industries. So, it is a complicated thing.

Budi:  Well,  I hope we can find solution for this problem., so that we won’t depend on the cigarettes industries.
Sri:  I really hope so…

The next morning, Sri is sitting under the mango tree. She is singing a song while listening to the same song from her headset.

Budi: Good morning!
Sri: Oh, my gosh! you startled me.

Budi: You look so happy Sri…. Didn’t you meet smokers in the bus?

Sri: Oh, come on….of course I met them, not only one but I made them sit at the same corner to share their smoke. (laughing)

Budi: Wow, you asked them to sit close to each other. Is that what you said?

Sri: Yup, I ask them to sit at the back. At first, one of the young men looked angry but thanks God the bus assistant helped me. So, I was free from smokers and their smoke.

Budi: Good Job! You are a smart and brave girl, Sri.  And look! I design a sticker especially for you.

Sri: Oh, My God!! It’s fantastic! Your idea is so original and your painting is awesome! I love it.  Thank you my friend.